Disaster Management Support Centers Localization Based on the Principles of Passive Defense (Case Study: Tabriz Metropolis)

Document Type : Original Article


Historically, Iran due to its specific political and geographical Political situation, Has witnessed
suffering many natural and unnatural disasters. Hence, the practical and theoretical situation of
passive defense against the crisis is very important in this extent. When an unexpected event occur,
it will prevent the severe destruction of urban communities,if the positioning of new urban projects
will be done using passive defense. Among the most important centers Disaster Management
Support Centers is to provide operational and tactical fields, order to achieve prevention,
preparedness and response in different crises. One of the notable instance before building Centers,
survey and selection of appropriate location to establish the type of landuse. Thus, in this study, we
attempted to localization of these Centers with Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Geographic
Information System using the principles of passive defense in Tabriz. Finally, the raster maps were
prepared to determining the preference of each location for the construction of these base. The
purpose of locating are reducing vulnerability of Tabriz disaster management support centers of the
crisis management against natural and abnormal hazards and preservation of effectiveness of these centers in Critical situations. Due to the time consuming process of localization, the extent of
information and disability to use simultaneously all the factors affecting the localization, using of
AHP method is one of the most comprehensive and easiest ways to locating of these bases. Finally,
a raster plan is prepared that determine the Most appropriate and most risky areas to build this
centers in metropolis of Tabriz, according to the principles of passive defense.


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