Evaluation Economic Resilience of Urban Land Use (Case Study: Region 1 Tehran)

Document Type : Original Article


Cities are often the place of population density and man-made phenomena. Therefore, if there
weren’t any preparedness to cope with earthquake, it will occurs with a high risk of human and
financial losses. Also, how people cope, react or overcome with natural pressure or technological
pressure, is related to this issue that how much a community can restore after the occurrence of a
major disaster. In this regard, reviewing the economic resilience of urban land use is the necessity
of this research. The general objective of this study is to obtain the effective factors in the economic
resilience urban land use and to determine the importance of each of these factors and evaluate them
in the region 1 of Tehran. This is a Descriptive analytical research. In this study, the theoretical
framework of the research was conducted by collecting data through document studies. In order to
assess the economic resilience of land use, criteria and sub-criteria are determined based on expert
opinions and evaluating the previous researches. Then pairwise comparison of indicators have been
done by 15 people of faculty members and experts of environmental planning, urban planning, rural
and urban planning. Also in order to evaluation and final review, methods of FAHP, geographic
information systems (GIS), Idrisi and Topsis have been used. Finally, the results showed that the
average resiliency of region 1 of Tehran Municipality is equivalent to 0.48.


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