Evaluation and Prioritize Human Made Hostile Threats at Train Organizational Stations with Passive Defense Approach

Document Type : Original Article


Train station is one of the most important and sensitive parts of the railroad transportation in all
over the world. Among different types of stations, the organizational one has an national importance
because of their role in rail road utilization and important installations such as control room,
communication and the wireless centers, operational equipment, fuel tanks, central building and
regional mobility operation management and … and removing it directly influence on efficiency of
national railroad transportation system and make disruptions and crisis. So this infrastructure will be
the target of human made hostile threats. In this research by using Descriptive- analytical method
and library studies and query extract human made hostile threats in train organizational stations
field and prioritization of main assets of these infrastructures. The evaluation has been done both in
qualitatively and quantitatively in this paper, that 7 threat has been qualitatively evaluated (air
attacks, missile attacks, bombing, Armed assault, arson, cyber vandalism and physical sabotage)
and in quantitatively evaluation with respect to four category of human made threats (damage
intense, threat history, enemies capability and the attraction of aim) for each main train
organizational station’s assets, prioritization has been done. The results indicate that bombing and
physical sabotage are the main threats for the whole train organizational station space.


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