Studying on Design Strategies Based on Passive Defense in District Texture (Case Study: Ilam)

Document Type : Original Article


Ilam has been exposed to invasion, Due to its geographical location that the Worst was during the iran-iraq war. According to the Ilam history against attacks and its geographic location, Designing based on passive defense is essential.  Because of ilam,s location in the natural fortifications , Sivan Mountains, and ilamian architectural mentality The passive defense in ilam is an importance issue. The most important factors in reducing civilian casualties in military attacks and natural disasters in urban areas are: site selection, the optimum layout of the building, the good dispersion, Principles of concealment, Camouflage and deception, Interior Design Building standard architecture and compliance with the house standards. Analytical descriptive method is the based methodology to study the role of passive defense in planning urban housing. The authors believe that; Determine the geometric design, openings Position, access, Prediction secure environment for multi-functional space for buildings with high to medium priority, Optimized components of the architecture from the perspective of passive defense in Ilam city are the main result in this article to get the best design based on passive defense.


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