Robust Location of Hospitals in with Passive Defense by Integrated AHP-TOPSIS Method (Case Study; Amol County)

Document Type : Original Article


Hospital location is a critical issue, that many criteria should be considered for solve it and unlike the past, selecting a location, only in terms of economic criteria, it is difficult for all stakeholders and organization. Therefore, considering the sustainability criteria (criteria of economic, social, environmental) in decisions, may to-be inevitable. Locate critical facilities such as hospitals optimal decision is also a controversial issue that must be done according to criteria of sustainability. On the other hand, because of the importance of the facilities in critical situations (such as war), location of hospital also is a part of passive defense planning. In exist researches about critical site, few sustainable criteria have been considered by passive defense criteria, but in this paper, by check the significant sustainable and passive defense criteria, a total framework are proposed for the first, and by this criteria, optimum location is selected. With classification this criteria, using by Group AHP-TOPSIS, this criteria used for construction of hospital in Amol city . Results show the best site for location of hospital with considering defenses and environmental factor.


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