Immunity of Fisheries Industry in Persian Gulf by Retrofitting it Using Passive Defense

Document Type : Original Article


The aim of this study is to investigate the fisheries industry in Iran and present strategies for retrofitting fisheries industry using passive defense. In this research, descriptive and analytical methods were used. Data collecting was done by library studies and internet and, also, field methods such as interview, inspection and observation. Exploitation of by-catch of different fish, multispecies management and exploitation of less exploited fishing grounds (such as fishing grounds of myctophidae in Southeast of Hormozgan province) will perform important role in retrofitting southern provinces for responsible fishing. Aquaculture as one of the issues of fisheries for retrofitting, especially in rearing ponds, also, rearing organic shrimp using the experiences of Asian countries such as Thailand and Bangladesh will be more effective. Furthermore, cage culture in long area of southern coasts of Iran using experiences of Norway country could have effective role in raising the per capita consumption and self-sufficiency of harvesting in these areas. Prevention the decline in fish stocks in water resources, particularly in the Persian Gulf as a result of improper harvesting and the large number of fishing fleets, offering this model (use of passive defense) was possible and necessary infrastructure,flexible using modern methodes of cage cultur in the sea possible. Utilizing the considerations of passive defense for harvesting various fish and aquaculture by employment and retrofitting the fisheries industry are the functional results of this paper. Hence, access to this issue leads to decreasing the vulnerability and increasing the stability of fisheries industry, especially in Persian Gulf region. This is in the event of multi-purpose of passive defense for guaranty the fishing, aquaculture and fisheries industries in southern coasts of our country.



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