Analysis of the Principles and Approaches of Passive Defense in Planning the use of Urban Lands

Document Type : Original Article




Passive defense is a perfect support for national sovereignty and appropriate sustainable development of the country and is one of the most effective and sustainable methods of defense against potential human, natural and cultural, political and economic threats. This is also a great way to impose. passive defense is as a stable and the cheapest way for the National Defense to deal with abnormal or man-made disasters in all areas of human life. One of the ways of dealing with the enemy other than military confrontation is to implement the principles of passive defense in critical infrastructure and human settlements of the country. Throughout history, urban planners and planners of Security-military matters consider big cities as centers of power, population centers and transport communications, intelligence systems, industrial and financial node keys, administrative and governmental positions, wealth and national resources . On the basis of this research, using descriptive and analytical (structural approach strategy) through the study of urban areas experience different countries (library documentation), the implementation of passive defense principles and practicality of strategies in urban areas (the main objective of the research) have been done. To continue the research, a variety of solutions are given based on principles of passive defense in the urban areas in line  withsustainable development and passive security-safety strategies related to geographical, economic, social and cultural structures whose most important is the attention to defense approaches in the preparation of detailed plans of cities, location and deployment of activities and uses and access to them based on providing security of citizens and the city during the incident and possible attacks.       


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