Site Selection of Urban Subway Stations with Passive Defense Principles (A Case Study: Zone 13 of Isfahan City)

Document Type : Original Article


Underground metro stations in the metro transport system are considered as one of the main components linking the underground and ground spaces. This important component is always exposed to natural hazards and human-made threats for various reasons, especially the aggregation of passengers in it. The multiple uses of metro stations, both during peacetime and in times of crisis, have also increased the degree of their functional significance. Therefore, one of the basic measures of passive defense is the selection of suitable metro stations. In the present study, using library studies, field visits, and interviews with 35 experts, 21 criteria for site selection of metro stations have been identified and categorized. Then, using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), the relative weights of the identified indices is determined. The sample of this study is Metro station 3 in Isfahan zone 13. The ArcGIS system has been used to generate and analyze the overlay map of the spatial information layers related to the effective criteria. The results of this study indicate that the location of the stations determined according to the passive defense principles corresponds to the places determined by the technical viewpoint. Moreover, in this study, other routes for subway in zone 13 are proposed based on passive defense principles.


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