Enhancing Security of Power Transmission Systems Against Destructive Attacks in the Field of the Passive Defense




In recent years, concerns over hostile attacks against various infrastructures, especially the power system, have been increased. According to importance and the role of electrical energy in confronting with crisis, the need to rebuild the power grid, provide security conditions, and reduce the vulnerability of electrical installations, and the need to strengthen the passive defense have arisen more and more. In this paper, first, the threats and the vulnerability of the electrical energy transmission systems in the power grid (including transmission lines and high voltage substations) will be identified, then the strategies and Effective ideas will be provided to decrease the vulnerability of these centers, which, in general, will help to increase the stability and security of the power system under abnormal conditions. Also, by performing simulations of contingency analysis in a typical grid, the impact of outage of power transmission systems will be analyzed. Then, it will be  observed that the outage of power transformers have the greatest impact on the overload security, and the outage of the transmission lines have the greatest impact on the voltage security, and any disturbance for them may cause changes in the dynamic security of the case study network.       


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