Passive Defense Requirements for Airport Site Selection Case Study (Analysis of Current Bushehr Airport And its Future Site)

Document Type : Original Article


Today, the site selection of airports based on scientific approaches of the world is always considered as one of the indicators of development in human societies and will be considered by the governing bodies of the world. The increasing passenger traffic and the dramatic advances made by the aeronautical industry in air transportation have raised issues in the airport site selection. However, the construction of an airport needs considerably more space in the vicinity of a city. This issue requires thorough and comprehensive planning in economic, social, political and environmental studies, and it should be appropriate for natural, geological and meteorological conditions. In the area of airport site selection issues, the use of passive defense indicators mentioned in international documents, recommendations or standards, such as the 197’s airport ground design regulations, is one of the primary priorities of any types of intervention. Another aspect of these actions in the airport areas is to identify the type of threat and to develop an approach to the defense that the airports have a variety of threats due to their type of operation and structure. Therefore, in this study, while presenting standard indicators for locating airports, we will also consider the problems affecting the current international Bushehr airport and the site selection of its new location. This is a descriptive-analytical study and the information is used from library resources and administration of Bushehr province airport.


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