Application of Scientific-Practical Approach of War Engineering in the Holy Defense, as the Model of the Passive Defense in Urbanism

Document Type : Original Article


The eight years of the imposed war and the Holy Defense Movement are one of the milestones of the contemporary Iranian history. The teachings of this war as a successful experience in management and a national movement in the country are so obscure that it can be said that in our country's history, especially in the last few centuries, there are fewer phenomena that can be regarded as such. Therefore, the experiences of warfare engineering in 8 years of holy defense and the lessons learned from it, in general, can have significant effects in the field of planning and engineering planning in the country and, in particular, engineering in the future wars. It is clear that by carefully examining the elements and components of this successful experiment as a scientific-practical approach, it can be extrapolated from a generalizable model to other engineering and management fields of the country and enriched with the conditions of the day. One of the most important areas is urban management, which can adhere to this pattern in many of its planning and planning measures, especially in the area of the passive defense. In this regard, this paper is, on the one hand,based on the field study and library studies conducted by the author  and has the access to the views of commanders and officials of the category of sacred defense, so that it has allowed the documentation of the initial data. Then, using the analytical-descriptive method, the author draws on accurate analysis of the data and ultimately the production of relevant information. Therefore, the completion of studies related to warfare and military engineering to the resulting scientific-practical pattern, is based on the use of warfare engineering experience in 8 years of holy defense, is the main goal of the research. In this way, the findings of the studies and the most important teachings of the Holy Defense Engineering can be summarized in the explanation of the scientific-practical model with a jihadi approach, whose main elements and components are: faith, belief and belief in the jihad movement. The most important feature of this approach is the ability to be generalized and supportive.


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