Reinforcing Power Network Infrastructures by Employing Passive Defense Applications

Document Type : Original Article




Nowadays, electrical power systems which consist of generation, transmission, distribution, and control centers of electrical energy, are recognized as one of the strategic goals of modern warfare and threatened by various hazards, for which measures must be taken. Regarding the importance of power system in maintaining and sustaining communal activities, it is necessary to adopt adequate security measures to minimize threats and reduce vulnerabilities. In this context, passive defense can play an important role in the continuity of activities spanning from electric power generation up to consumption. In this paper, the influence of passive defense position upon increasing the security of power systems against sabotages and threats, has been addressed. To this end, first, the evaluation of destructive threats and related vulnerabilities in different parts of the network have been considered, then the effective strategies and ideas have been developed to decrease their vulnerability effects and increase the stability and security of network under critical and abnormal conditions. These strategies are based on the experiences of other countries and the research conducted in the field of passive defense, and can well cover most cyber and physical threats in the power grids.


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