Architectural Design of a Prototype Modular, Retractable and Reusable Structure with an Administrative User Interface

Document Type : Original Article


1 azad arak

2 imam hossein university


In recent years, with the rapid growth of industry, science and technology, changes in the fields of standards, functionalities and architectural applications have become more evident. This suggests that today's architecture needs more changes and dynamics than the past, and it seems that new buildings should be more versatile, flexible, and adaptable to future changes. Looking back to the past, one can see how human beings have come to terms with difficulties in life such as shelter provision, with formation of the first and most elemental moving structure, and then invention of moveable houses and flexible urban plots so that they can use it in the future. Now a days, user requirements and various functions of buildings are changing rapidly in the world, therefore buildings must be flexible and adaptable by changing functions, time variations (such as climate changes) and location or application changes. They should be cultural and adaptable to changing social conditions. In this paper retractable structures (temporary shelters) are introduced and their history is reviewed, and a system of modular structures of 3m * 6m is specifically introduced. Then architectural designs with administrative use are considered. Finally, with the help of illustrations, the formation process of a modular architecture design of this particular type of structure is introduced.


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