The Impact of Development of Coastal Industrial Clusters on Population and National Security: A Special Approach Towards the Role of Ports in the Fishery Clusters’ Development

Document Type : Original Article


Gom university


The presence of an active population in each region will bring security and prosperity to the region forever. Creating attractive job opportunities, in proportion to the geography and climate of the area, is the key to maintaining the desired population coverage. In this regard, by stating the importance of developing the population of the southern shores of the country in national security, this study presents some solutions with the general models of industrial clusters and, by examining the upstream documents of the system in this area, proposes the establishment and management of continuous operation of three industrial clusters of fisheries, tourism, and date production in the country's southern provinces. Further, based on recent developments in building multipurpose ports in the country as a basement of the fishery activities, more discussion about the existing data has been presented. The results of these analyses indicate that, if the infrastructure and cluster supply chain complete the fishing industry, not only sustainable employment will be created on the southern coast of the country, but national security in these areas will be ensured through the expansion of sailor satisfaction and reverse migration.


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