Study of Seismic Parameters and Seismic Risk Analysis (Case Study: Maraghe-Hashtrood Highway project area (second part))

Document Type : Original Article


1 execution expert - Ashoura institute

2 Tabriz university

3 Ashoura institute


The earthquake is one of the coincidental events with fault that at the time of the event, this phenomenon can cause damages to vital facilities such as roads, railway, oil and gas pipe lines and buried electric cables, tunnels and Buildings. The occurrence of frequent earthquake in Iran, indicates the existence of tectonics activity in the present century. Seismicity assessment is a preliminary measure for estimating the risk of earthquakes in the region or their existing structure. In this study, seismicity parameters of the study area were studied using Zmap software, which is a set of Matlab software codes. The study area is located in the northwest of Iran, in the East Azerbaijan province, in the area of Maraghe and Hashtrood. The length of the Maraghe-Hashtrood highway is 92 Kilometers, the second part of this highway is 26 Kilometers. In this study, the earthquake recurrence time and annual probability were calculated and zonation maps were prepared based on the b-value and Mmax rate. By examining the b-value zoning map, the dominate value of this coefficient is found to be between 1.17 to 1.38 which is about 33.12% of the total area and the study path is located in this area. Minimum and maximum Mmax values are 3.5 and 5.4 Richter respectively, the path studied being in the range of 4.4 to 4.5 Richter. Finally, it can be concluded that the study area is susceptible to the possibility of major earthquake, and the necessary measures for the stability and prevention for the destruction of existing structures should be considered.


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