Prioritize Factors Affecting the Operation of UAVs on Future Heterogeneous Wars by Using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process

Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc. Student in Industrial Management, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Industrial Management Group, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran


New developments in the field of science, technology, politics, and military have caused the attention of various countries to the field of new war and In particular, the development of new factors and methods of attack on the underlying targets to damage them. In this context, UAVs with regard to their kind, facilities, and equipment are able to perform a variety of intelligence missions including identification, surveillance and targeting and electronic intelligence by priority optimal use of facilities, especially human resources. In other words, UAVs are among the advanced equipment of current era that will have a special place in future wars that will be asymmetric and heterogeneous. Hence, in this article we have tried to comprehensive introduction of UAVs, Identification of influential indicators on UAV intelligence missions. In this way, we weighted and prioritized the indicators using the opinions of military experts and Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method. The results of the present study indicates the identification Criterion is the most Influential criterion in promoting the UAVs mission and visibility UAV cameras is the most important sub-criteria affecting on identification criteria on information UAVs in the future asymmetric wars.


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