Landslide Hazard Evaluation and Zonation by Fuzzy-AHP Method (Case Study: Maraghe-Hashtrood Highway Project Area (Second Part))

Document Type : Original Article


1 execution expert - Ashoura institute

2 Ashoura institute


Today, discussing, identifying and preventing casualties, and economic and social losses due to natural disasters such as landslides, floods, and earthquakes are of particular interest to official authorities and scientific and research communities in most countries. The occurrence of landslides can be closely related to other natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes, and these phenomena have a significant role in the development and severity of landslides. In this research, lithology, distance from the fault, slope, elevation, land use and coverage, distance from rivers and distance from the roads are considered as the factors affecting the occurrence of landslides and the Fuzzy-AHP method is used. The study area is located in the northwest of Iran, in the East Azarbaijn province, in the area of Maraghe and Hashtrood. The length of the Maraghe-Hashtrood highway is 92 Kilometers, the second part of this highway is 26 Kilometers. The main reason that this location, as the area of study, is classified as a medium to high risk zone is mainly due to the highway rocks type, which are sedimentary and weak in erosion. Proximity of the study area to streams and dispersed vegetation, also exacerbates the risk of landslides.


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