A Review on Earthing Systems and Lightning Protection Techniques for Telecommunication Towers on Mountains and Rocky Land

Document Type : Original Article



2 Shahid beheshti university


Passive defense principles are essential in the design and implementation of vital and critical plans as well as infrastructures to prevent and reduce the risks of natural disasters such as lightning. Lightning is a natural atmospheric phenomenon and there are no means to prevent it from happening. Direct and indirect exposure to lightning and the transmission of lightning discharge through the buildings and their inbound service lines can be harmful and hazardous to humans, buildings and their valuable contents, so it is imperative that measures be taken to protect against lightning. Since telecommunications and data stations are generally located in highlands or outdoors, lightning protection is essential and urgent. This paper provides an overview of the different methods of designing and implementing lightning protection systems and grounding of telecommunication sites at high altitudes and rocky terrains from the standpoint of international standards and recommendations. In this article, a review and analysis of earthing systems and lightning protection techniques and related international, military and communication standards for telecommunication towers on mountains and rocky land have been presented in order to design and propose a good quality protection system in accordance with relevant standards.


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