The Effect of Construction Techniques on Extending the Functional Life Span of Pre-1300 Hijri Structures in the Central Plateau of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Art university of Isfahan

2 Art University of Isfahan


Today, the architecture in our country is devoid of its past archetypes. Not paying attention to these patterns causes not only the short life span of the architecture but also a series of undesirable side effects such as climatic and environmental problems, energy loss and the demolition waste. The structure of the building plays a key role in its survival or destruction. Traditional architects have endeavored to discover the science of building-durability in order to build the architectures that will not be destroyed by various forces and the passage of time. There have been numerous studies on the architecture construction techniques so far, but no relevant research has been done in terms of impact on the practical lifetime of the buildings. From the perspective of the research methodology, the research method of this study is qualitative and is based on Grounded theory. In this study, data analysis is based on a procedural approach taken from induction. By systematically gathering data using library resources, field studies, interviews with 20 traditional architects and their inductive analysis, considerable knowledge about the long life-span of traditional architecture is obtained and presented in the form of a theoretical framework described as the title of this article: “The effect of construction techniques on extending the functional life span of pre-1300 Hijri structures in the Central Plateau of Iran”. The purpose of this study is to understand the role of considerations related to construction techniques’ impact on the life span of pre-1300 Hijri buildings. As a result of this research, the selected codes obtained in the field of construction techniques are classified into three general categories: “construction techniques in accordance with the future function”, “construction technique fitting environmental factors”, and “observation and recognition of structural durability issues”. Also, throughout the construction process, there is a close relationship between geometry and structure, which undoubtedly affects the standing of the building. Iran's enduring architecture is the result of valuable experiences that have been passed down to students by traditional masters over thousands of years.


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