Investigating the Factors Related to the Acceptance and Application of Passive Defense in ICT: A Case Study of Highway Patrol and Traffic Control (Known as RAHVAR) Police Officers in the Border Areas of South Khorasan

Document Type : Original Article


Amin Police Academy


The main goal of passive defense in border areas is to secure and reduce the vulnerability of these areas in order to gradually create conditions for sustainable development and security in these areas. In this regard, attention to the role of passive defense in new communication and information technologies is essential. Therefore, considering the importance of the role of passive defense in border areas and the changes and reactions that ICT can have in small towns and villages located in border areas, the purpose of this study was to investigate the role of factors related to accepting and applying passive defense in South Khorasan RAHVAR police ICT. The theoretical framework used in this research is based on previous national and foreign research and a combination of sociological and information society theories. This research is a descriptive survey and the statistical population of the study consists of RAHVAR police officers in South Khorasan province, from which a sample of 170 people are selected by stratified random sampling and appropriate type. To collect the data, a researcher-made questionnaire with five Likert options is used. After making the necessary corrections, its validity is confirmed by the opinions of ten people (five professors and five relevant experts). The reliability of the questionnaire is calculated 85% using Cronbach's alpha test. For data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistical tests such as Pearson correlation, analysis of variance, independent t-test and Chi-square test, the SPSS software version 23 is used. The results of testing the hypotheses, show that the variables of usefulness, ease of use, type of job, use of communication channels and the amount of training of RAHVAR police officers have an impact on the acceptance and application of passive defense in ICT. There are no significant relationships between the variables of education level and socio-economic status of employees and the acceptance and application of passive defense in ICT.


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