Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Yasooj Hospitals from the Perspective of Passive Defense and ATC Methods

Document Type : Original Article


1 Civil Engineering Department, Yasuj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yasuj, Iran

2 Master of Scince, Civil Engineering Department, Yasuj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yasuj, Iran


Vulnerability and damage assessment, planning for awareness, and reducing risk before an earthquake are essential. As the city of Yasooj is located in a high-risk area, the occurrence of a major earthquake in this city will cause lots of damages, and therefore hospitals are classified as the most important buildings. It is very important to respect the principles of passive defense in the construction of hospitals, as they are referred to, for helping the injured during earthquakes. Therefore, this research has been conducted by descriptive-analytical research method and with the aim of evaluating and comparing the vulnerability of Yasooj hospitals by two methods: passive defense and ATC (Applied Technology Council). The results of this study showed that according to the ATC method, Shohadyeh Gomnam hospital (S = 2), Imam Sajjad hospital       (S = 2.3) and Shahid Jalilfar hospital (S = 5.5) were the most vulnerable, respectively. According to the scores of the final structural evaluation of these hospitals against seismic vulnerabilities, the Shahid Jalil, Imam Sajjad and Shohadyeh Gomnam hospitals were classified as having complete, acceptable and unacceptable safety (possibly dangerous), respectively. Also, according to the approach of passive defense, in the order of rising vulnerability, Imam Sajjad hospital (A_T=8.01), Shahid Jalilf hospital (A_T=7.26) and Shohadyeh Gomnam (A_T=6.22) were the most vulnerable. Finally, based on these two methods, the vulnerabilities of Yasooj city hospitals were compared and it was founded that Shahid Jalil, Shohadyeh Gomnam and Imam Sajjad hospitals have the least vulnerability, respectively.


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