Site Selection of Multi-Purpose Urban Shelters with Passive Defense Approach (Case Study: Bojnourd City)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Department of Civil Engineering , University bojnourd

2 Master student of urban planning, Tehran University of Arts

3 Master student of urban planning in Shahid Beheshti University

4 Master student in regional planning at the University of Science and Technology


Due to Iran's strategic position and the political situation in the West, human dangers such as military aggression always threaten the borders of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Considering this issue and the successive threats made by the West and of course, the experiences of the forty years following the Islamic Revolution (attacks on cities and civilians) have led to the appreciation of the need to implement the principles of passive defense in all dimensions. In the event of any potential danger, it is vital to be prepared to react quickly and minimize human and financial losses. Cities have become more vulnerable to accidentsdue to the growth of urbanization and the expansion of cities. The purpose of this study is to locate and construct multi-purpose urban shelters in Bojnourd in order to reduce human casualties.This research is of the descriptive-analytical type in which documents and library resources are used to explain the concepts and extract the necessary criteria for urban planning. Then in order to locate multi-purpose urban shelters using AHP model, the indicators are prioritized using the Weighted Overlay function of the GIS software. The output-related map criteria have been obtained for each criterion, and by overlapping different maps, we have achieved 3 multi-purpose urban shelters for Bojnourd city.The results indicate that the Shahid Square (0.6079) and the Friday prayer mosque (0.3406) can be used as the most suitable shelters for emergencies. It should also be noted that the city park (0.0456) can be used as a reservation in case of space inadequacy in the two mentioned places.


Smiley face

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