Site Location of Public Shelters with Passive Defense Approach in the City of Tehran, Region 16

Document Type : Original Article




A country's defensive system is divided into two passive and active defense and the passive defense is described as those unarmed measures which will contribute to the vulnerability reduction of manpower, buildings, facilities, equipments, assets and the country's vital routes against hostile and destructive operations of a potential enemy. One of the passive defense policies in every country in general, and Iran in particular, is constructing public shelters to safeguard citizens and reduce damages in human domain. But what appears to be important in compliance with the said policy is the site position or the desired limits to construct public shelters.
This essay which has been prepared for site location of public shelters with passive defense approach in the City of Tehran, Region 16, while  investigating and studying the subject matter literature in the fields of passive defense, shelter and site location, presents eleven indicators of  site location of public shelters in the format of four general criteria. And in the next step, it deals with the coefficients of importance indicators and criteria using network process analysis technique (ANP), and in the end, through overlapping information layers (Overlay) and executing these coefficients in the Arc GIS software domain, identifies the best reference locations compatible with the objective.
The research results indicate that, of the introduced indicators, three indicators such as indicators of proximity to applications suitable for support role, deployment in a proper distance of the enemy's targeted functions and proximity to population attraction centers, contain the  highest importance coefficient in the process of the selection of public  shelter deployment from the experts' views. In the meantime, based on the research findings, there is a meaningful relationship between the deployment locations of public shelters and the local, regional and area structures.
