Investigation of variables affecting on stability of buildings against fire

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. , Department of fire preventing. Tehran fire department ,Tehran municipal, Tehran, Iran


Investigation of the variables affecting the fire resistance of buildings
The safety of a building against the phenomenon of fire is a stereotype that we, the individual, read, see and sometimes painfully feel its absence. The engineering of a building against fire is one of the architectural infrastructures in the sustainability of buildings. Which has been proposed and agreed on the scale of "sustainable metropolises" since 2015. The present study is based on the method of structural equations and data analysis by SPSS and Lisrel software (version 10 for mac). In this method the data were collected in the form of a questionnaire and in terms of Likert among the heads of stations of the Tehran Municipality Fire and Safety Services and the university elite. Resilient design of the architecture of a building against the spread of fire, design of automatic fire extinguishing systems is also the appropriate coverage of the structure of a building against the heat caused by the flame of the building. Fire has the highest coefficient Impact is among the variables affecting the stability of the building against fire hazard. Also, in the next ranks of effectiveness, respectively, the two variables of automatic fire extinguishing systems in the initial stages of lighting and optimal coverage of the building structure against the heat reflected from the fire.


Smiley face

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