The Safe Zoning of War-Supporting Cities’ Infrastructure from the Perspective of Passive Defense (A Case Study of Boroujerd City)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master student of geomorphology in environmental planning, Razi University

2 PhD student in Geomorphology, Kharazmi University


Vulnerability can be attributed to an inherent defect in the specific dimensions of the city 's environment, which is prone to damage due to the biological and physical properties or design characteristics. Studying the structures of a city and micro-zoning its vulnerability from the perspective of passive defense is a step towards the future prospects of a safe city. The main purpose of the present study is to study the vulnerability challenge in urban infrastructure from the civil defense point of view, and the anticipated approach is the application of modeling for identification of these infrastructures. The domain of the present study is the Boroujerd city with the population of 240654 and the area of 33065884 square meters. This research is applied-research in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical research (based on the approach of spatial-model studies) in terms of methodology. The indicators of special infrastructure, emergency, general, public and management services are classified and extracted in the form of 1062 infrastructures. In order to measure the proximity pattern, 14 layers which are effective on vulnerability are identified and using Anp-dematle-GIS combined analysis, the weighting of distance maps for them is designed and standardized. The FUZZY OVERLAY tool in ArcGIS software is used for spatial distribution and micro-zoning of urban infrastructure vulnerabilities. Spatial results and micro-zoning of vulnerability in Boroujerd city show that 539 infrastructures, namely 50.47% of the infrastructures are in a totally vulnerable situation. It should also be noted that about 59% of the city's area is in a situation from vulnerable to absolutely vulnerable, which shows the importance of the principles and requirements of passive defense in this city.


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