The Resilience Ranking of Important Centers Vulnerable to Flood using the AHP-TOPSIS Combined Method (A Case Study of Hamadan)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Environmental Management Crisis Manager of Hamadan Municipality

2 Assistant Professor Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch

3 Professor of Islamic Azad University, Imam Khomeini Memorial Branch, Shahrari


To reduce the effects of natural disasters, the resilience of urban areas is examined. One of the principles of resilience in cities is the improvement of the infrastructure resilience in natural disasters. In this regard, one of the basic steps is the resilience of key city centers and facilities. Therefore, in this study using the combined method of AHP and TOPSIS, the resilience of flood-vulnerable buildings is measured. After collecting the required data and information, the authors first obtained the effective criteria and sub-criteria in ranking the resilience of buildings against floods. Then, the final weight of each of the important vulnerable centers of the city was calculated and the options were ranked by the TOPSIS method. The results show that the key centers vulnerable to floods in descending order, are the University of Technology, the Payame Noor University, the Amiran Hotel, the University of Architecture and Art and the Blood Transfusion Center with the weights of 1.000, 0.520, 0.297, 0.273 and 0.153 respectively. The Blood Transfusion Center has the least and the University of Technology has the highest resilience.


Smiley face

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