The Presentation of Strategies for the Security of Hospitals in Metropolises in Critical Situations with the Passive Defense Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Architecture Department, Enqelab-e-Eslami Technical Faculty, Technical & Vocational University

2 malek ashtar university

3 Supreme National Defense University


In all crises, the metropolitan hospitals have an important role in relief operations and hence are liable to threats. This fact has made it essential to provide the critical hospital equipment and necessary training of personnel. Many studies have addressed this issue and many regulations have been extracted, but no comprehensive strategic investigation has yet been performed on hospital preparation in crisis. The purpose of this study is strategic planning to secure hospitals in metropolises with the passive defense approach. In this study, by combining quantitative (survey) and descriptive-analytical methods, after reviewing the upstream documents and defining the desired mission and vision, the internal and external environment of the metropolitan hospitals and the most important internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats) have been identified and analyzed by the SWOT model. The identification is obtained through library reviews and interviews with experts. At this stage, identifying threats is an important part of the study of the environmental factors which affect other factors. Then, these factors are prioritized by the community of experts, and based on the importance and priority of environmental factors, 38 strategies in defense, security, political, economic, social, technical, legal, and environmental fields are formulated. Finally, these strategies are prioritized by the QSPM questionnaire.


Smiley face

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