The Role of Passive Defense Against Agroterrorism Attacks in the Field of Natural Resources (Case Study of Fungal Agents)

Document Type : tarvigi


Researcher, Ph.D. of plant breeding, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands of Iran, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, I.R. Iran


Agroterrorism in natural resources mainly involves using various biological agents such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, and insects by terrorist groups to destroy forest trees and natural resources, create fear, economic losses, and reduce socio- political stability. Successful counter-terrorism policies have led to restrictions on the activities of terrorist organizations resulted, agroterrorism attacks increased. The increase of such threats is directly related to the progress of genetic engineering and biological science methods, which the adversaries exploit. In such situations, agricultural and natural resources research institutes are in a unique position to assist information and military organizations. They can identify threats and use agricultural biotechnology and plant immunology to strengthen the safety of products against pathogens. The purpose of this research is to show how passive defense can be used as an indicator to emphasize the increase in the ability to prevent, detect and discover, react and recover natural resources against agroterrorism actions. This research was descriptive, analytical and practical in terms of type, and the sample population based on Cochran's formula included 108 professors and students in the field of natural resources. After collecting the information, a questionnaire consisting of 11 questions related to the research variables was prepared. The results of the research showed that passive defense can quickly prevent the spread of damage and destruction in the field of natural resources by timely detection of the threat. Passive defense with the provision and operation of the central laboratory, careful monitoring of the country's borders, periodic and regular monitoring of various regions, and the creation of databases will be effective.


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