The Effect of the Epidemic of Covid-19 on the Amount of Visits by People to Urban Parks

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.Sc. in Landscape Engineering, University of Tehran

2 MSc Student in Landscape Engineering, University of Tabriz

3 Professor, University of Tehran


Landscapes and urban green spaces are an integral part of urban spaces that play a significant role in the well-being and comfort of citizens in various conditions. With the spread of the covid-19 epidemic and the imposition of quarantine and social distancing, many mental and emotional pressures were imposed on the people of the society, and the access to city parks was limited compared to the era before the covid-19 epidemic. Based on this, the aim of this research is to find out the changes in the number of times and the reasons for citizens' visits to city parks before and during the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. In this research, library resources and questionnaires were used online and distributed through up-to-date communication tools. A simple random selection method was used to select the samples and 198 people participated in the research. McNemar's statistical test and mean score were used to evaluate the data extracted from the questionnaires. The findings of the research showed that the number of visits to city parks during the Covid-19 epidemic has decreased significantly; Also, the average score of the number of visits to city parks before the covid-19 epidemic was 3.44, which is a significant trend compared to the average score of the number of visits to city parks during the covid-19 epidemic, which is 2.58. It shows a decrease in visits to urban parks; Also, the reasons for visiting city parks in the era of Covid-19 show that the recreational and social aspects of city parks have been greatly reduced. As a result, the obstacles and problems of citizens' presence in city parks should be removed and these places should be adapted to the conditions of the epidemic


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