Analyzing of Smart City Components in Order to Improve Urban Services

Document Type : tarvigi


1 International Campus, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Department: Urban Planning Rank: Assistant Professor School: Architecture and Art, Islamic Azad University of Tabriz

3 Department: Architecture Rating: Assistant Professor School: Architecture and Art Azad University, Tabriz Branch

4 Department: Architecture Rating: Assistant Professor School: Architecture and Art Islamic Azad University, Tabriz


At present, a new stage of urban development called the creation of a smart city based on information and communication technologies has been noticed in different countries, and cities are increasingly named as smart. However, there is no precise definition that sets the criteria to consider a city as smart. A set of existing criteria are relatively vague and have different priorities depending on the region. Social and economic developments of countries create new conditions in terms of city management, especially in social and governmental aspects. Global studies and experiences show that in today's megacities, which face complex and extensive issues related to urban development planning and management, it is necessary to identify and manage smart solutions by creating an interactive space between citizens and advanced information and communication technology tools. . Therefore, the development of a smart city is a multidimensional concept. In this article, the proposed plans for creating smart cities in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Boston, Chicago and New York are presented and analyzed, and then by summarizing these components, a localized conceptual model is presented in Iran. According to the nature of the subject, the governing approach of this research is the descriptive-analytical research method, and in terms of the goal, it is in the category of applied research. In order to collect the required data and information, library, field and survey methods were used, and to collect field data, a questionnaire designed by the researcher was used according to the research hypothesis. The statistical population of this research included a number of people from Tabriz city, and the sample size was determined according to Cochran's method, which was random, and in the formulation of the measurement plan, it was in order, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient method was used for the reliability of the measurement. Is; Therefore, the data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed in the form of descriptive statistics (frequency, mode, mean, table and graph) and inferential statistics (chi-square test and Pearson's correlation coefficient) in Spss and Amos software, as well as using Gretel's density model for Investigating the axes of the smart city has been used. The sample size is 150 people through the Cochrane method. Likert scale was used in developing the questionnaire, and the reliability of the research method is 0.905 using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which confirms the reliability of the questions. The components of smartening urban services were distributed among 150 people and collected for analysis. The components of the smart city and its relationship with urban services have been evaluated, and in this regard, the components were prioritized in the following order: technology, quality of environment and life, urban planning, environment and sustainability and energy, transportation, economy, governance, social solidarity.


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