Investigating the Reliability and Availability of Energy Production Systems in Marine Ships to Increase Defense Reliability

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student - Islamic Azad University - Sari Branch

2 Department of Electrical Engineering - Islamic Azad University - Noor

3 Department of Electrical Engineering, Azad University, Sari, Iran


This paper examines the security risks and challenges associated with energy sources for ships, including increasing fuel prices, tightening international pollution laws, and limited space and fuel on board. With the rise of modern naval warfare and technological advances, energy production for vessels has become a strategic priority. This study focuses on identifying threats in electricity generation for ships and investigates the reliability and availability of various energy production systems. Using a Markov model, the study compares different energy production systems by considering their advantages and disadvantages, influential factors, and level of reliability and availability. Results show that the use of solar energy in combination with diesel generators has the highest reliability (0.988) and availability (0.997) compared to other production sources. The study demonstrates that solar energy can be used to meet a portion of the ship's power consumption needs, reduce maintenance and repair costs, extend the life of generators, increase the duration of navigation, ensure continuity of energy supply, and improve passive defense in the field of electrical energy for marine vessels.


Smiley face

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