Improving Routing Control Overhead in Ad Hoc Mobile Radio Cognitive Networks by Estimating the Mobility of Secondary Users

Document Type : Original Article


1 Computer, Engineering, Shahid Bahonar university of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

2 Computer, Engineering department, Shahid Bahonar university of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

3 Computer, Engineering, Shahid bahonar university of Kerman, Kerman, Iran


In radiological networks, the sudden return of primary users to the spectrum causes interference and increases the number of channel switching. In this case, knowledge is very important in knowing the mobility of the spectrum, which is predicted by analytical methods such as the Markov process and... Also, since radiological networks are used in different platforms such as mobile networks, the mobility of users can also increase the inherent instability of radiological networks and challenges such as routing appear; Therefore, in this article, we solve this challenge by using a method based on the selection of interface nodes and discovering the appropriate route to send the packet to the destination. Specifically, we design a reactive routing protocol for the considered scenario, the most important advantages of which are: 1) preventing user interference during route formation and data transmission, 2) reducing the number of channel switching, 3) not using of common control channel, and 4) reduction of delay and control overhead. The proposed protocol is designed for networks with mobile nodes and is known as a reliable and cost-effective method by choosing a shorter path. Numerical simulations show that the proposed protocol has a collision rate of 73% and has a lower performance than the random method; But in this protocol, the control overhead has been reduced by more than 90% in the two modes of increasing the number of nodes and the speed, and this is more important for us in a network where access is opportunistic.


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