Finding the Optimal Size and Placement for the Sources of Distributed Generation (DG) of and Capacitors in the Distribution Networks by Microgrid Segmentation with a Passive Defense Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Islamic Azad university of Yasooj

2 Department of Electrical, Faculty of Engineering, Fasa University, Fasa, Iran

3 Department of electrical


Passive defense is an issue that has received more attention in recent years. The concept of passive defense is that sometimes human societies face natural and unnatural problems. If there are appropriate plans for these events, the problems that arise in the communities as a result of these events are much fewer. There is no doubt that due to the existence of some centers in the cities, some places are of high importance. And it has been tried that these points are             self-sufficient under any conditions, and as a result, these points can be protected against electric power outages. In this article, we divide the national electricity network into 8 micro-grids. Each of these micro-grids is allocated scattered production sources including active and reactive power, and then in such a way that these 8 micro-grids can be, continuously, and also act as an island, so that if something happens to any of these networks during incidents and they are disconnected from the main network for any reason, these networks can work as an island and respond to the needs of the loads of each part. In the following, the location and size of scattered production sources and capacitor banks are discussed using the whale optimization algorithm. By using this method, the network needs can be answered locally, and for this reason, high power losses and voltage drop can be avoided. To investigate the role of optimization in the first scenario, the number of units of distributed generation resources is 47 units and the maximum number of capacitor banks is 38 units. As a result of the optimal placement of these power generation units in the right places, the losses, which were equal to 227 kW before the optimization, have significantly decreased after the optimization and have decreased to 122 kW.


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