Passive Defense Components in the Design of Storage Tanks for Hazardous Chemical Industries

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Department of Urban Planning - Faculty of Urban Planning - Malek Ashtar University - Tehran - Iran

2 Student, Energy Research Institute, Passive Defense Complex, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry, Materials Complex, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

4 Researcher, Energy Research Institute, Passive Defense Complex, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


Every year, many irreparable accidents occur in process systems such as oil, gas and petrochemicals due to their acute operating conditions and the large volume of flammable and explosive materials they contain. Process industries often deal with hazardous chemicals and operating units under high temperature and pressure conditions such as transmission lines, condensing facilities and reactors. One of the most important units of these industries are storage tanks, which are located in all stages of process industries. According to studies and studies in this field, there are several solutions for the privacy of tanks, but they have not been studied from the perspective of passive defense. Therefore, we considered it necessary to conduct a special study on creating a relatively safe space for these storage tanks. The purpose of this study is to investigate the components of passive defense in the design of storage tanks for hazardous chemical industries. The method of this research is developmental-applied in terms of type and descriptive-analytical-survey in terms of research method, in which it answers through questions, interviews and data collection and factor analysis (PCA). In terms of how to collect data, it is a field method that includes collecting initial data by methods such as observation, questionnaire, interview and review of documents of constructed projects. Factor analysis with SPSS with high degree of certainty is a way to reduce the dimensions of a problem with many variables in statistical modeling, thus 4 areas of 40 main components, which show the highest variability in the model (without using the main variables) Give, was determined. According to experts, these four areas were named "passive defense area", "crisis management area", "process area" and "health, safety and environmental safety area". These factors can be introduced as hidden variables. In the next step to identify and rank the key factors of success (CSF), variables were ranked in each area. Dangerous chemical industries have been stored in storage tanks.


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