A Strategic Approach to the Spatial Organization with Emphasizing on Converging Sustainable Architecture and Passive Defense

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduate Student of Architecture, Department of Architecture: Kermanshah ACECR Institute of Higher Education, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Architecture, Department of Architecture & Urbanism, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran,


Due to the devastating effects of the Industrial Revolution and technological advances in recent decades, the preservation of capital and natural resources, as well as the reduction of adverse effects of mechanization in all its dimensions, have received worldwide attention and led human society to the significant concept of "sustainability" in all areas, especially ecological, social, and economic macro aspects. However, the term sustainability is not limited to the three mentioned areas only in normal conditions. As human beings have lived in threat since the beginning of creation, maintaining this sustainability in times of crisis is also of particular importance. For this goal, the concept of passive defense is considered, mainly in special fields such as architecture. Because the architectural space should be to respond to function appropriately and create desirable spatial qualities in different time and location situations, it can also help strengthen the defense as an intermediary means. With this explanation, the main purpose of the present research is to achieve a pattern based on the spatial organization in the architectural design process that aims to strengthen the commonalities and moderate the divergences of sustainability strategies, with acceptable reliability, in both secure and crisis conditions to optimize the design. It should be noted that the research is of the applied kind in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. In other words, it is a qualitative content analysis that collects qualitative data from the research literature through a documentary study and infers significant components forming the main variables of the problem using descriptive coding followed by a survey of experts through the Delphi technique. Finally, analyses have been concluded through logical reasoning. Based on the results, it should be acknowledged that some factors by having influences on sustainability in secure and crisis conditions, strengthen each other and some factors weaken. Therefore, according to the type of usage of buildings and other significant contextual conditions, decisions should be made appropriately and solutions should be adopted in the spatial organization that leads to strengthening the convergence of agreed factors and moderating the confrontation of divergent factors.


Smiley face

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