Landscape as Architecture A New Approach to Saving Architecture by Landscape with a Passive Defense Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran

2 PhD. candidate in Architecture at School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran


The complete ineffectiveness of weapons against enemy attacks led to the creation of a passive defense approach. On the other hand, the close relationship between the environment and users caused the rapid deterioration of the passive defense approach to environmental issues even though many studies in this field have dealt with the principles of architectural design, buildings with a high importance factor. To the extent that there is a lack of attention to landscape design in the national building regulations, the area design has been neglected in a brief section. In this case, landscape architecture can be practical support in passive defense, reduce injuries, and support users when accidents occur. This article assumes that landscape architecture can be the savior of architecture and urban planning with a passive defense approach. In other words, using the principles of passive defense in landscape design is one of the measures that can be used at different levels, from planning to design, to reduce the severity and extent of risks caused by natural and unnatural risks. Nevertheless, most of the studies in this field are dedicated to architecture and urban planning, and practical solutions in applying the passive defense approach have been neglected. Based on this, the current research is of applied type, with a qualitative approach, and based on the case study and logical reasoning research method to answer the question: "How landscape as architecture can save the built environment?" has been written. The results demonstrated that the principles of defensive landscape design could be explained in two macro dimensions (spatial scale, uses, diversity of spatial qualities, placement, and positioning) and micro dimensions (artificial elements-furniture, material, natural landscape elements).


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