Identifying and Prioritizing Effective Dimensions, Factors and Indexes in the Construction of Field Hospitals, Taking into Account Aspects of Passive Defense (Case Study: Field Hospitals During the Holy Defense Era)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Imam Ali University (AS)

2 Construction Management


One of the most important challenges at the time of war is the timely treatment of the war wounded and avoiding the reduction of combat power, which is usually solved by building field hospitals. The armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran gained valuable experience in the construction of field hospitals during the sacred defense period. The location and construction of these buildings along with the innovation, initiative and scientific creations of the fighters of Islam has developed.From the establishment of a tent or the construction of a roofed frame for relief in the beginning of the war, it turned into the construction of explosion-proof field hospitals with concrete structures camouflaged deep in the ground. So that by doing these creations, the index of "average time to send the wounded to medical centers" which was 14 days in the First World War, three days in the Second World War and 12 hours in the Vietnam War; After the construction of well-equipped and safe hospitals in the closest distance from the front line, it was reduced to three hours. This indicator was reduced to one hour with the construction of Imam Sajjad (a.s.) field hospital in Faw front (Valfajre 8) and to less than half an hour at the end of the war with the construction of numerous centers. Of course, due to reasons such as time constraints, along with the severe lack of specialized tools and equipment for the construction of field hospitals, some of the principles of passive defense are ignored in the selection and construction of these valuable structures. Because it is important to examine the strengths and weaknesses of these hospitals and especially the types of their structures, taking into account aspects of passive defense to build better field medical centers in the future; Therefore, the current research has identified and prioritized the effective dimensions, factors and indexes in the construction of field hospitals, taking into account the aspects of passive defense. For this purpose, the method of structural equations was used with SPSS software and Friedman's non-parametric test. The ranking results of field hospitals evaluation criteria, taking into account passive defense criteria, indicate that the criterion "the need to pay attention to the issue of location" in the security risk subgroup, as well as the criterion "the need to pay attention to the ability to change the location of field hospital structures" in the construction risk subgroup and structural infrastructure have the highest priority with an average rating of 20.12 and 18.79, respectively. At the end, suggestions were made for building more qualitative field medical centers by considering aspects of passive defense in future battle scenes.


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