Studying the Adaptation of the Historic Cities to the Principles of Modern Passive-Defense in the Central Plateau of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Iran University of Science and Technology

2 University of Science and Technology of Iran, University St., Hengam St. Resalat Square, Tehran, Iran.


Human life has always been in danger throughout history, and the struggle for survival has always made man inevitably prepared. Threats are both made by man or are natural. The type of exposure to these threats has different forms throughout time and space. This study has selected the Central Plateau region of Iran to understand the respond to the threats in this area.The Central Plateau of Iran, with its hot and dry climate, covers a large part of the territory of Iran and, due to its climatic and geographical characteristics, has its own security considerations. This study aims to understand the defensive methods of the Iran historic cities in the Central Plateau region of Iran and the article seeks to find the defensive methods of the past in comparison to present principles of passive-defense.The research has done using documentary studies and qualitative analysis method. The results show that although the principles and characteristics of defence in the historical cities of this region have been proportionate with the threats of its time, but also with many principles of today's passive-defense, include location, the optimal scale of population and activity, dispersion, camouflage, concealment, cover, deception, and dual-purpose structures. By providing additional facilities, other principles such as "optimal scale in dispersion and special economic justification," "downsizing and cheapening and initiative in passive defense ,"  "division," "dispersal," and "deception" can be provided, too.


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