Technical Investigation of Prefabricated Concrete Defense Headquarters Resistant to Explosion Loads

Document Type : Original Article


1 Holy Defense Science and Education Research Institute, Tehran, Iran

2 Crisis Engineering Research Institute


In this research, at first, different types of trenches, headquarters and concrete hospitals during the holy defense were investigated from the perspective of commanders and specialists of holy defense. In order to investigate in addition to library studies, the performance of these structures has been investigated through interviews and questionnaire distribution among veterans in the field of sacred defense engineering and after aggregating the opinions, general analysis of the role of these structures, their technical disadvantages and advantages has been presented and then some strategies have been presented to promote these types of structures for today's use.One of the main disadvantages of them is the heavyness of prefabricated concrete parts and one of the solutions provided for today's use is to increase resistance to bearing impact loads. In a numerical analysis, the effect of increasing steel fibers on concrete slabs under impact load in Matlab programming environment has been investigated. The results show that the use of steel fibers up to 2% increases the ductility and strength of concrete to a great extent and is recommended for use in war zones.


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