Evaluation of Urban Land Use with Emphasis on Passive Defense

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Geography and Urban Planning, Mohaghegh Ardabili University

2 Professor of Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Mohaghegh Ardabili University


Throughout history, territories have always been exposed to natural hazards (earthquakes, floods, etc.) and human hazards (war) and have caused a lot of human and financial losses. Therefore, the importance of passive defense before and after the crisis in order to control and reduce the damages is undeniable. Therefore, the purpose of the current research is to evaluate the use of urban land with an emphasis on passive defense, which was carried out in Ardabil city as a case study. The research method is analytical-descriptive and SWOT model is used to determine the strategies. The findings from the implementation of the mentioned model show that the highest weighted score is related to threat points with a value of 3.64 and the lowest weighted score is related to strengths with a value of 2.87. be The research results indicate that land use planning in Ardabil city is closer to defensive strategies in terms of passive defense, and Ardabil city lacks comprehensive planning in the field of passive defense. Considering that the highest weight score obtained is related to the external factor (threat) of land use in Ardabil city, it is necessary to take necessary measures to solve them.


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