The Approach of Passive Defense in the Location of Essential Items Storage with the Help of AHP

Document Type : tarvigi


1 Member of the Scientific Association of Passive Defense, Water Expert in Agricultural Jahad Management, Dezful, Khuzestan, Iran

2 M.Sc., Department of river Engeneering , Faculty of Water Science, Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Jundi-Shapur University of Technology, Dezful, Iran,


In the new wars, which are carried out using advanced smart equipment and the targets are targeted point by point, The key points and goals that play a key role in the network of activities of the country are among the first goals. Since a significant part of these points are located inside the cities, the cities and especially the cities of the border provinces are also attacked. Due to its strategic position, the city of Dezful is always known as a target of attack by the enemy, and this issue is a warning about the instability of the city's structure. Also, considering the obvious characteristics of attack and support during the eight years of war, the need to explain, prepare the principles and requirements of passive defense for the vulnerability of the defense of this city, has made passive defense unavoidable. In addition to paying attention to the form, texture and construction of the city, the use of urban land, communication networks and urban infrastructures, passive defense has emphasized on locating the vital uses of the city. The storage of essential items is one of the vital uses of the city, which plays an important role in normalizing the situation after the crisis. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a suitable place for building, storing food and its optimal operation during a crisis. By using the principles and criteria of choosing a suitable location, the consequences of the enemy's attack on this site can be reduced to a large extent. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the selected indicators affecting the location of the warehouse of essential items were extracted based on the passive defense approach for the dynamic population; . Therefore, five criteria 1) spatial, physical, 2) economic, 3) demographic, 4) security and defense and 5) natural, geographical and environmental were determined as effective criteria for the location of warehouses of essential items, a total of 22 indicators affecting location identified and using the hierarchical analysis process of AHP, their relative weight has been calculated And the GIS environment was used to prepare the map. After performing mathematical calculations, the highest amount of importance coefficient was assigned to the sub-criterion of access to communication network (0/155) and the lowest amount related to climatic conditions (0/015). Based on the application of the coefficients of the importance of the criteria and by using the overlap of the obtained spatial information maps, areas for the establishment of warehouses of essential items were zoned in Dezful city based on the range from completely suitable to completely unsuitable. Completely suitable and suitable have covered the area of 7 and 32% of the region, respectively. The results show that these places are mainly in the eastern and southeastern half of the city, including Farhang Shahr, Baharan, Payam Avaran, Negar, Taleghani, Modares, Moqavemat, and sevom Shaaban Koy, as well as parts of the streets of Ferdowsi and Imam Khomeini are located in the north.


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