Providing a Model for Assessing the Resilience of Road Transport Arteries

Document Type : Original Article


1 Malek Ashtar University of Technology

2 Faculty Member of Passive defense, Malek Ashtar University of Technology


Critical infrastructures form the foundation and framework of any society, on which the daily activities of societies depend. The operation of these infrastructures is not separate and unique, but they interact with other components and infrastructures of the society. If the performance of one of these infrastructures is disrupted due to natural or man-made threats, in addition to disrupting the continued functioning of that infrastructure, it can also affect the performance of other infrastructures, which leads to disruption of the whole society. To evaluate the resilience of any infrastructure, it is necessary to determine the assets and threats of each infrastructure sector and identify the effective components in the resilience of that infrastructure and then evaluate the resilience of that infrastructure. Gives a weighted pattern using the ANP method To eliminate the ineffective components and to examine the internal relations between the components, the Delphi method and a questionnaire were used. Finally, the components were weighed using the ANP method and Super Decisions software. It should be noted that the underlying threats in this study were determined and examined using the Delphi method and interviews with threat experts. For the first time, the effective components in the resuscitation of road arteries in war crises and man-made attacks were studied and presented in the form of a practical model.


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