Evaluation and Analysis of Passive Defense Structure Requirements in Ahvaz Metro System

Document Type : Original Article


With the probability of offensive military threats in Iran, the need for design and construction of
structures which can be capable of any threats and the development of safe structures for people
living in metropolitan cities in a necessity and inevitable. The design of Ahvaz Metro system with
the capabilities of criterion and index has a very high potential for meeting the needs of a large
urban safe structure for a large number of people especially those located in the city center. In order
to reach this goal, the necessity in the use of the more update research knowledge and with
preventive measures, it is possible to reduce or eliminate the enemy’s threats. By implementing the
criteria and instructive passive defensive measures in the different stages of design to operation
especially in the civil engineering area can be regarded as the most effective step in reaching the
standards. But as the first line of Ahvaz metro in under construction, the need for decreasing the
threats for the city of Ahvaz located near to borders with neighboring countries is a necessity for
structure evaluation and analysis of the entire line in the construction process and prior to the
operation level of the project. As there is a lack of efficient criteria or instructions on passive
defensive measure for the structures under construction, this research aims to evaluate and analyze
the existing design criteria and instruction of passive defensive rules with the design criteria of the
Ahvaz Metro for all types of explosives on the structure of the first line in order to reach the
possibility of safe point for people using the metro line. The research analysis indicates that the
design of the first line does not have the potential for a safe space in the case of danger due to air or ground explosions.


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