Botnets Detection by Analyzing Network Traffic Group Activities and Unsuccessful Responses

Document Type : Original Article


Botnets are one of the growing threats on the Internet and computer networks. Botnet is a network
of infected computers connected to the Internet, which is controlled by a control server, and used
for Internet attacks such as denial of service attacks, and spams. Botnets expand the their territory
by identifying vulnerable devices on the network and get them to compromise. They are
progressing rapidly and use new technologies such as DNS and quick continuous changes, to trap
their users and enhance the protection of infected computers. One of the quick continuous changes
is using a domain name generation algorithm. By using this method attackers prevent, control
server domain names to be in black lists. Many Botnet detection methods are based on an analysis
of group activity, but using this method alone does not have sufficient performance in small and
medium networks. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive and complete method to
detect Botnets that use quick domain name changes algorithmivckly. Our method is capable of
detecting Botnets that work in this way. In this method Botnets are detected based on failed
responses or NXDomain in each host. This feature increase detection accuracy in small and medium
networks. Our method is tested in infected networks with Conficker and Kraken and information
obtained from them has been analyzed.


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