Compliance review of the Sensitive commercial Centers of Tehran with the Requirements of Passive Defense Using Fuzzy Mathematics (Case study: Kourosh Commercial Complex)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of civil engineering, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University,

2 Department of civil engineering, Islamic azad university, Karaj branch


Passive defense is used to confront invasions and threats of the enemy, without using offensive or defensive weapons, by reducing the vulnerability of facilities, equipment and manpower. Currently, the main goal of the passive defense is to secure and reduce the vulnerability of the essential infrastructures in order to gradually create security conditions. Such actions have been taken or are taking place in most countries of the world. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the applications of fuzzy neural network and modeling tools in this field, which can be used to make fundamental steps towards this goal. In this research, the requirements for passive defense in commercial centers have been thoroughly reviewed and presented and as a case study, Kourosh commercial complex has been carefully analyzed. The results of this study have shown that in general the Kourosh commercial complex has gotten an average score of 48.6 in terms of passive defense implementation. The reasons for the weakness can be seen in the crowd congestion and the slowness of traffic, as well as the lack of access to public transport systems. On the other hand, the complex has very good conditions in terms of fortifications and spacious interior as well as entrance and exits.


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