Presenting a Strategy for the Localization of Smart Textiles Passive Defense Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Malek-Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 College of Electroceramics & Electrical Engineering,Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Iran


It is very important to use smart textiles in military industries to protect personnel and analyze their situation. Smart textiles with high design capability, ease of production and diverse applications play a  significant role in civilian defense against military attacks and natural disasters. In this article, the  identification, introduction and prioritization of a set of strategies, capabilities and unarmed measures in the design and production of smart textiles with a passive defense approach have been discussed and investigated in order to increase Deterrence, reducing vulnerability, continuing essential activities,        promoting national stability and facilitating crisis management in the face of enemy threats and military actions. For this purpose, at first, field research and distribution of SWOT questionnaire among 40 experts of the country in managerial, scientific, industrial and operational fields were used and DS+PESTEL model was used to include defense and security aspects. The reliability of the questionnaires was confirmed in SPSS software with Cronbach's alpha of 0.82. After analyzing the environmental factors, strategies have been extracted so that they can fulfill the five objectives of passive defense. The strategies were distributed based on a questionnaire based on the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) method to evaluate the importance among the same sample as before, and finally, the prioritized strategies were extracted and explained according to the supply and localization of smart textiles. The obtained results show that the   current situation was defensive. Among the prioritized strategies according to experts' opinions, 11 strong strategies were identified. According to the results, identifying and prioritizing the country's climatic strengths and weaknesses with the aim of using them in the design and production of smart textiles, optimizing and updating equipment related to the localization of smart textiles using emerging technologies and government investment for the localization of smart textiles The most important strategies are to achieve the goal.


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